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The Future of Work

 A Conference held 10-11 April 2014 by Centre for Workplace Leadership, UMelbourne at Melbourne Convention Centre


A Conference held in Melbourne last week had several of it's Keynote speakers streamed live from the UK and USA to talk about her leading work in the Future of Work. See the program here.


Bringing together key leaders and future leaders in digital leadership, change management, work environments, workplace systems and workplace innovation.By sharing tools and ideas to build capability, increase productivity and boost profits, the Future of Work will enable employees, managers, business leaders and business owners to access cutting edge technology, research and thinking on the modern workplace and beyond.


Professor Lynda Gratton, a founding leader in research in the Future of Work shared somewhat shocking predictions in terms of how future generations will be working until they are 70 and eventually 85 years old. 

7 Ways to Future-Proof your Career

​Published in BRW 08 April 2014 17:15, Updated 10 April 2014 10:16 

If you want to get ahead, be adaptable and improve your maths.


Once, we had enough time to work out what industries and companies were likely to provide us with a long and lucrative career – but the pace of change today means nothing is certain any more.


We now need to have the ability to change direction, jobs, and industries multiple times without hanging on to what made us successful in the past.


Unfortunately, Australia is only middle-ranking when it comes to talent adaptability, according to research by LinkedIn and PwC (Adapt to Survive).We are behind the Netherlands, the UK, Canada, Singapore and the US on the scale, but are more adaptable than France, Germany, Brazil, India and China.

Our new app

Annie Guthrie August 2014

We are currently in project development mode developing an app to provide convenient access for clients to online career coaching and guidance.




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